Wednesday, November 12, 2008

He didn’t feel like chicken townhouse anyway

Ben's lying on the couch in the darkened lounge room and apart from coughing he's not up to much. I'd say he's feeling pretty lousy. He needs to go back to the hospital every 12 hours for the last of his chemo. The every 12 hours means he can be at home.

I can't help wondering if he's going to wish he was back in hospital before long. It's noisy here. It's busy here. It's not nearly as convenient as a hospital and there is no buzzer to call a cheerful attentive nurse to his side. If he had a buzzer (what a dreadful idea) the most he'd get would be a harried mother who would take far too long to answer his summons.

We love having him home already but I wish he felt better than he does. Please hang in there with him. This is likely to be a long and severe journey. Thanks for all you've all done in different ways.


  1. At least Lindy has a "nurse head" to flip in and out of periodically....I know it's there somewhere! Thinking of you guys, hoping the time at home has been good for you all at least. S x

  2. I can imagine this round has made him feel pretty awful! Sorry to hear he's feeling lousy, will pray that hes feel much more like the old ben soon! In the meantime, if theres anything I can do, run mattie around etc, please dont hesitate to call. I'm only around the corner! Praying and hanging in there with him!
