Thursday, November 20, 2008

Quick update

Good morning! Ben's not doing too well in the last 12 hours. He seems
to have an infection and is running temperatures of about 40C. His
blood pressure also dropped last night. The source of the infection is
not known (or perhaps it is lymphoma and not infection?) and he is on
antibiotics, antivirals and antifungals as well as blood and platelets
and numerous other concoctions. He also decided to use a GCSF again to
promote white blood cell production but it gave him excruciating bone
pain the last two times.


  1. Do hope the day has improved and the source is being dealt with. Thinking of you and praying for you Ben et al. xx

  2. Hang in there Ben - we're praying for you and have you constantly in our thoughts.

    Jenika and the Glover family

  3. Just read this update.....hoping things are better.
    Will have you present during my working day offering everything for Ben's well being.
    Love, Mercedes

  4. Ben estas en mis pensamientos y oraciones todo el dia!
    Un abrazo para todos desde Salta.

  5. ben,amigo,seguí para adelante que te necesitamos mucho,(Silvana y yo y todos aquí en Tucumán te queremos y queremos que vuelvas a visitarnos en cuanto te recuperes).
    Un abrazo muy grande para vos y toda tu familia.
    Enrique Courtade
