Saturday, December 6, 2008

Good afternoon - from Chris

TC and I have just arrived home from the hospital. It's after midnight Friday night and Ben's had a good afternoon. The four older boys watched Fugitive (a family favorite) after lunch. Then MD went in after school and he and Ben and LA watched an MD-rated movie. 

Gret came on for night shift and that was another high point. She decided Ben could do without the face mask for a while and replaced it with nasal oxygen prongs. At last he was free to speak without hissing and plastic distractions. 

Another highlight was when Katrina arrived from ward 3W with the particular icy poles Ben was craving. I arrived at the hospital about 10.30pm and was sent on a secret errand to buy Powerade powder because Gret said she couldn't find it anywhere. We found it eventually in the second Safeway we tried and Gret loved her present. We left the lad peaceful and looking like he might sleep at last. What a great afternoon!


  1. Que alegría......que lindas noticias! Cuanto me alegro por Ben y por ustedes!!!
    Seguiremos ofreciendo y pididendo´por Ben!

    Cariños, Mercedes

  2. Hey, by the way, what's Powerade powder?
    Sounds like some powder that gives strength.....sounds good!!
    Love , Mercedes

  3. Gracias Chris por esta informacion, es muy reconfortante...

  4. Powerade es una bebida 'deportiva' para reemplazar las sales del cuerpo. ¡Mas o menos! Viene en liquido o en polvo que es mucho más económico. Se toma con pollo casero :-)

  5. Gracias por la explicaciòn del estaba tan desacertada mi interpretaciòn...
    Y el pollo casero da para todo, no?
    Saludos, mercedes
