Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I remember...

Sometime soon this blog will fade away. One of the fears after losing
someone is that the memories will fade too. It's been great to hear
and read of people's memories of Ben so I wonder if we could ask you a
favor? Will you add some memories to the comments page on this blog?
They don't have to be lengthy; perhaps just a simple sentence "I
remember when..." If you can't add comments send them to me at
BensGotCancer@gmail.com and I will post them for you.

I remember how Ben was always a climber. He climbed a step ladder
before he could walk.



  1. I remember Ben's wise and considered thoughts about future directions for Theos and how he kept us on track and on time - Rowan

  2. I remember Chris zooming about the house with a tiny image of himself on his shoulders, clinging happily to his Dad's hair,
    I remember Tim and Ben having lunch with us, always watching each other

  3. I remember Lindy telling us that Ben was a bit of a cat wisperer and my mum saying that a man who liked cats was something special. They were both right.

  4. ..me acuerdo cuando Ben y Tim nos llevaron a Laura y a mi a conocer el Casino..Cuando Ben mostro su identificacion, lo que tenia era el carnet de manejo (de tucuman, ojo!) la policía se lo quiso romper acusandolo de falsificador.. el se enojo muchisimo, y nos quedamos largo rato alli mirandola y el la insultaba en español y la mujer advirtio a los demas que habia alli un grupo de.. no recuerdo el termino, pero algo como falsificadores.. fue muy gracioso!.. mande algunas fotos de esos dias a Tim..fueron maravillosos!..
    Si me pongo a hacer memoria debe de haber tantas anecdotas.. de campamentos, de la pileta.. un dia que fuimos a ver un concierto de navidad y hubo un diluvio! estabamos tapados con toallas, porque veniamos del club, y asi caminamos hasta el centro, Ben por supuesto no intentaba taparse, iba bajo el agua y cada tanto paraba a exprimir su ropa.. q chorreaba muchisimo! tambien fue muy divertido.. creo que cada dia con el era divertido, solo arrancaba sonrisas...

  5. I remember Ben's quick wit and teasing. In the kitchen at Tallandowring... making some wise crack about the food ("kransky's again, mama?"). Mama pretending to be horrified.

    I remember Ben's feet hanging out from under the old kitchen table 'out the back' at Tallandowring, 'cause there was nowhere else for him to put his bed.

  6. I remember the first time Ben drummed with me on a unichurch music team... set jaw, determined look in his eye, and a sound that blasted the eardrums! He gave that church drumkit a hiding.

  7. I remember him finding Zipper and encouraging us to keep her I also remember his less than favourable response to Mani, I remember the tightness around the edges of his nose which always indicated a full smile; I remember him painting the outside of our house with the ass out of his jeans and his triumph of leaving the bum less jeans at our place when he had finished; I remember hours of discussions about movies worth watching; I remember his braveness during his fight for life - Jill

  8. I remember his willingness to listen, determination, his ability to communicate with people and his friendship and his practical joking – Colin

  9. I remember Ben coining my next nickname: Glad-ass. In return, I asked if I could call him Benji. Even though I still think I got the raw end of the deal, I think the name will (un?)fortunately stick...
    I remember first meeting Ben when a group of us played 'speed-dating'.
    I remember road-tripping in the Mulherin/Wiggles van to various 21sts this year.

  10. I remember Ben always loved people.

    He and Lindy came to stay with me when he was about 4, long before I ever thought of having children. On our way to my place, Ben asked me about the toys I had for him to play with. I had to confess I had none. 'Well do you have any cars' "no"

    'Well, then, don't you have any boys for me to play with?'

  11. I remember Ben dragging Chris over to show him my shoes - which apparently were cool. Having heard so much more about his eye for shoes recently, I now feel more pleased with my pair than ever!

    I also remember asking Ben to slow down once when driving Stu's car because I felt nervous. Again, having heard more about his driving skills lately, I probably should have just hung my head out of the window and enjoyed it...

  12. ...recuerdo aquella vez que Ben y Tim fueron a la Rioja y queríamos jugar a algo...estábamos aburridos! je, asi que nos inventamos una especie de "twister" con papel y fibras de colores que terminamos pegando en el piso del living del albergue....

    nos matamos de risa, e hicimos mucho ruido también porq después salió Marita a pedirnos silencio porque estaba estudiando ^^'

    ...si no escribi antes es porq en gral trato de evitar estos momentos,asisti a muy pocos funerales en mi vida,es mas..mientras pude evitarlos mejor...

    ...pero no podía dejar de hacerme presente esta vez,y aunque me tarde bastante tiempo en escribir algo,si los estuve acompañando desde aquí y 'haciéndoles el aguante' como dirían los argentinos,je

    Fue un lujo conocerlos,y a Ben también y si a mi todavía me cuesta asimilar esta nueva situación,cuanto mas a uds!

    gracias por compartirnos todo esto a traves del blog...

    se los quiere un montón!!!

    >>> La Pato <<<

  13. Hola Flia Mulherin, bueno, paso a saludarlos en verdad por navidad, me imagino que a estas horas deben estar alzando sus copas, para desearles una feliz navidad y un prospero año nuevo, y les deseo lo mejor para el futuro, no quise escribir otra memoria de Ben porque se iba a hacer larga, como todas las anteriores, pero les doy mi promesa que en unos dias les enviare una, desde Tucuman, mis mejores deseos para uds, un abrazo.

    D'Urso A. Leopoldo

  14. Despite not knowing Ben all that well at uni, I referred to him as Tim's brother, with the cheeky grin.

  15. I remember how Ben used to like hiding our shoes during the study sessions in the library. I remember him influencing Tim to do the same and Tim ‘losing’ one of his shoes for one night when Jen & I decided it would be a good revenge on the two of them to take one of Tim’s shoes back to college with us. I remember just over six months ago, squealing and chasing Ben through the big long corridors of shelves in the Biomed basement after I realised he had gotten hold of one of my ballet flats. I remember how he hid it in one of the shelves and then he tricked me to search for it while he went back and stole my other shoe, hiding it as well. I remember finally getting my shoes back by hiding his mobile phone in the shelves and refusing to retrieve it until he had retrieved both my shoes. I remember the two of us reluctantly handing over our items to each other in a sort of truce.

  16. I remember travelling back from Mallacoota last year - Ben was so tired he insisted on miming all the words to the songs on the radio, adding emotional actions to the lovesongs :)

    I remember playing music with Ben many, many times and Ben always knew exactly how he was going to play - none of this new fancy-pants stuff and definitely no brushes!

  17. I remember how much pleasure Ben took in making a conversation exasperating! He would either stutter through his part of the dialogue or exaggerate an imitation of you, grunting and tapping his nose until you barely resembled someone capable of speech. One time, he had me so vexed that i yelled, "A TEDDY BEAR" (the answer to his question) in an attempt to drown out all his teasing. After that, Ben took great pleasure in yelling "A TEDDY BEAR" at me when i was struggling to get my words out!

  18. i remember in LaPorcetta, Box Hill, meeting Ben for the first time as a (i thought) "shy" boy, hiding his face under a baseball cap, before his first Theos. Only to discover, two weeks later, a boisterous friend who gave me generous piggy backs across the Mallacoota river passing (im not a little person to carry!) and plenty of lively arguments that kept me entertained... and humble.

  19. I remember when I first properly met Ben at the cricket in 2004. I was a bit intimidated by his size but he was extremely friendly.

    I'll never forget Ben calling Libby and I the 'Hilton Sisters' when we arrived at Roses' 21st and my insistence that in no way did I deserve that nickname.

    I remember Ben wearing a polo shirt that came down to about his knees at my party. Having to tuck it into his jeans, he got annoyed at anyone who dared tease him.

  20. I remember about 3 years ago lending my car to Ben. It had, at the time, a disfunctional radio and only a hole in place of an aerial. When I got the car back, it now had a coat hanger shoved into that hole...bent into the shape of a love-heart.

    My radio still works...


  21. I remember the day (somewhere in a shopping centre on the way to mallacoota) someone insisted there was no way ben could fit a whole mobile phone in his mouth. Despite bens confidence and loud protests that he could, he just couldnt convince his mates that he was right.....

    Ben turned his back on us for a bit and a few mins later, each person was searching their bag to see if it was their mobile phone ringing... I will never forget the look of shock on our faces when ben turned around and we realised the phone that was ringing was actually the one he had shoved in his mouth!!!

    what a feat - always determined to prove it could be done!! even if it seemed impossible to others, nothing was impossible for ben!!!
    ben... thanks for making me laugh!

    Zo :)

  22. I remember one day at the farm- We went to go see a bull being marked (neutered). We kept one of the bits and carried it around with Ben/Tim daring Beti and me to kiss it or just hold it for a while lol.

    Then it was taken back to Reynard St haha and put in a jar filled up with methylated spirits. Slowly over time the jar got fuller and fuller- there were mice and other things that you don't really want to think about.

    I guess the point of this memory is that Ben loved ongoing jokes and was a typical boy who liked to gross his female friends out.


  23. Linc and Di said:

    We remember Ben and Tim at Uluru in 1988 covered in red dirt but having a wonderful time. Smiling, wonderful Mum, Lindy, let them have a "ball"! Great memories of a special family.

  24. I remember when Ben was Benny - 4 years old, dark brown eyes and dark brown hair... a perfect 'opposite' of my 4yo blond haired blue eyed nephew Tony (Munchie). When Tony came to my house we often went next door to play with Benny or took the boys to the park. I still have the photos of them on the slide together. Alison

  25. I remember Ben’s oily hand imprint on Tom’s bedroom wall superimposed on the Holden painting – we never could get rid of that hand print until we repainted the room. I remember Ben holding Zipper while he ate his dinner because he hated letting her go – the contortions were amazing when he needed to use both knife and fork and hold the cat (Zipper) all at once.

  26. I remember spending 45 minutes sitting with Ben on the Sunday before he died – it was great to spend just one more time with him.

  27. I remember taking Ben and Tim for a walk in Hawthorn, and we passed some agapanthus plants in full bloom. Ben said, they are agapanthus; they are my favourite flowers. I asked what he liked most about them. The name, was the reply.

    I remember him standing on the front verandah of the Hawthorn house, calling out Hello! to everyone who walked by, and they all stopped to have a chat.
    Ben in Jujuy, Argentina, searching the street stalls for a gift to take back to his Mum. Not satisfied with the many pieces of jewellery on offer, he took a long time before pouncing on one just right, and was well pleased.
    Ben with adoring slave Lucy, the family dog, who would do anything for him. Absolutely anything. Turn herself inside out if she could.

    I have many more memories of Ben. He will never be forgotten by loving grandparents, or by anyone his life has touched and influenced. You may be out of view, Ben, but it's as if we are a school of fish swimming along, and you have just swim on ahead of us all, around a rock. We will catch you up sometime, and that will be a joyful reunion!

  28. Me acuerdo....Cuando Ben jugaba al rollers hockey en Tucuman, los entrenamientos, eras nuestro compañero mas pequeño y el mas fuerte y rapidisimo para patinar ...y nos dabas clases de ingles y nos sorprendia como manejabas el castellano, y tu tonadita "tucumana" para hablar, nos acordamos de cuando viajamos a Necochea, 24 hs de viaje riendonos con Benja y con Adam Sadec,te adorabamos porque eras un angel...
    me acuerdo cuando un dia despues de entrenar los lleve en el auto a ben y a Adam y nos quedamos sin nafta jaja como te reias¡¡¡¡
    Mi hermano Raul, y yo Celeste te queriamos tanto y estas en nuestros corazones para siempre, , se nos fue nuestro Benjamin....

  29. Memories of Ben are many, but one that will always stay with me concerns Ice Magic.
    The arrival of Pete meant that Ma-ma was off to Melbourne to lend a hand, and it was decided that Ben should come to Tallandowring to keep Gumpa company.
    On the journey from Melbourne to Tallandowring, Gumpa and Ben called into the supermarket in Myrtleford to purchase some essentials. Whilst walking along the aisles, Ben's eyes zeroed-in on Ice Magic, saying in a loud voice, "we will have some of that!"
    Gumpa had never heard of it, the family claims that Ice Magic was unknown to them also, but from that day on, a supply of Ice Magic was always on hand for ice cream topping, when the Mulherin family visited Tallandowring.
    Also on that visit Ben left a permanent imprint in the tiles on the bathroom floor. Renovatations were underway and under the supervision of a caring and patient tiler, Ben succeeded in laying some tiles, which of course are now a permanent part of Tallandowring.
    Ben, it is memories like those that ensure you will always be remembered with great affection.

  30. We remember Ben as a small child being able to walk up the inside of door frames, a most unusual skill, and one that was not taught or learned from somebody else. He was the only one we have ever seen or heard of who could do that. We remember visiting the Mulherrins in Tucuman, and watching a game of hockey played on rollerblades. Ben was declared man of the match at the end, and although we didn`t understand all the rules, it was obvious that Ben was the stand out performer in the game. We remember the severe punishments dished out to the kids at the Mulherrin home in Tucuman, when misdemeanours, intransigences, or sins of commission or omission were dealt with by a penalty of having to run around the house twice. A well worn track was apparent all around the house. We did not know Ben very well in recent years, but we still loved him.
    Eleanor and Bob

  31. I would like to add that many of my memories of Ben (both as a small boy and a large man) are of him wrestling or rough-housing with a family member, usually Chris. As an adult Ben and Chris certainly appeared to meet their match. My last memory of a well Ben, was one of these wrestling matches in Box Hill - no space in the lounge, people everywhere, Chris refusing to let Ben leave the house, Ben giggling so hard I thought he would pee his pants. The fun was contagious. Thanks for sharing it with us. Lol Meg

  32. Omar dice:

    Yo era el profesor de hockey in line en Tucumán de Ben me entere hoy domingo 14 sobre lo que le paso a Ben y no puedo creer. Lo que siempre cuento entre mis vivencias como docente, es un día que Ben viajaba con el equipo, yo termine un paquete de galletas y la tire por la ventanilla hacia la ruta, y él con tan solo 14 años me dijo desde atrás ¿Profe, quiere que sus hijos nazcan y vivan en un basurero?

    Hoy todavía aprendo de él a la distancia. Nunca se rindió y lucho por lo que quiso. Yo creo que estamos en este mundo para ser mensajeros de Dios con nuestras palabras o actos, y los que se van es por que ya cumplieron con su tarea.

    Ben nos volviste a dar otra lección, gracias te extrañaremos.

  33. From Malvina:

    2003-Tucuman, Argentina. Estaba acostumbrada a recibir bromas acerca de mi aspecto por andar siempre en bici. Un dia recibi una que empezaba "Quiero ser como Malvina para..." No recuerdo el resto de la broma pero si la respuesta de Ben: "Si queres ser como ella tenes que empezar por andar en bici 30 Km x dia, etc...". Aunque no me ofendian las bromas, fue muy tierno que Ben se preocupara de mis sentimientos y me "defendiera" para que no fuera lastimada. Ben era de acero por fuera pero muy sensible y consciente de los demás, por dentro.

    Como olvidarte Ben...que privilegio conocerte!!


  34. From Marc:

    I remember when in November 2002, a friend, Darren, and I visited the Mulherins in Tucuman. Upon our departure and when in the bus, a group of Mulherins and uni students we had become friends with waved good bye to us. We waved back.

    But then Ben and Tim decided to enthusiastically wave with the "Mulherin middle". Nobody saw what they were doing. Unfortunately for us, we could not reciprocate as the others in the group might have become offended or confused.

  35. hola querido amigo!!!! la distancia nos alejo mucho pero los recuerdos aun quedan, yo me entere hace poco de vos y me senti mal y sorprendido xq no puedo creer lo que te paso... a las personas buenas como vos nunca le tendria que pasar nada pero a veses hay injusticias... amigo en tucuman se te siente mucho y en todo el tiempo que te conoci nunca se te borraba esa sonrriza tan contajiosa te queremos mucho y simpre vas a estar aca......

    ezequiel manzano tucuman hockey..

  36. Me acuerdo de Ben, recién llegado a Tucumán y a nuestro querido Colegio Crecer. Se sentó conmigo el primer día de clases de 4to grado y tuvimos que escribir un cuento. Su protagonista era un gato, sí, le gustaban los gatos y las mateméticas. Me acuerdo de su sonrisa, su alegría, su inteligencia y simpatía. Nos vimos muy poco de grandes, pero es parte y recuerdo imborrable de mi niñez: un gran compañero de clase, recreos y aventuras. Ben, en mi memoria para siempre.
    Julieta Dimani

  37. I remember Ben's determined efforts to ride a wakeboard behind Bright Morning Star on the GWAC Water Camp in 2001. Strange thing was that he could water-ski with no trouble at all!

  38. Me acuerdo cuando estando en casa de 'los Mulherin', a punto de volver a casa, descubri que mi bici tenia una pinchadura. Decidi tomar un colectivo y buscar la bici al dia siguiente pero antes de irme, por si acaso, pregunte a Ben si tenia parches. El hizo un gesto que parecia que no, pero despues con una actitud entre pensativa y misteriosa y tambien como queriendo decir 'seguime' se alejo. Yo lo segui, aunque no estaba segura si eso era lo que queria, y fuimos a donde se guardaban las bicis. En lugar de buscar parches y herramientas agarro su bici, comparo los tamanios, saco la rueda completa de su bici y la puso en la mia. La llame 'Solucion Ben'. Y estuve agradecida pero no volvi a pensar en eso hasta ahora que supe cuanto trabajo para comprar su bici. Por alguna razon, no sabia que le gustaba tanto andar en bici. Quiza, porque habia tantos deportes que le gustaban!

  39. Cómo pensar en un recuerdo con Benjamín... tengo cientos.

    Recuerdo 1:
    Me acuerdo que una vez un par de amigas de él y de Tim les pidieron desfilar en el Grand Hotel de Tucumán y que nos había invitado varias veces a mí y a Ivana a ir a verlo (su gran oportunidad de hacerse el estrella!!)
    Nosotras no fuimos y después, cuando se hacía el lindo sobre cómo las chicas le habían tirado besos y lo bien que había desfilado, le dije que no le creía y que tampoco me importaba y que su oportunidad de hacerse el estrella había fracaso por lo mucho que él quería que nosotras estuviéramos y por nosotras no haber ido.
    Entonces empezó a negar que me hubiera invitado, y yo, para comprobar que sí, empecé a relatarle la conversación... como no sabía bien qué decir lo miró a Tim para que él le "diera una mano" y desempatara.
    Tim dijo: Yo lo que veo es que ella se acuerda bien de cada palabra y vos sólo lo estás negando.
    Así que GANÉ! Y creo que fue esa la oportunidad cuando le dije: GOL, y él me dijo: "Bueno, 1000 a 1".
    Lamentablemente era verdad... casi nunca ganaba yo!

    Recuerdo 2:
    Ya que hablaron sobre zapatos y autos:
    También halagó unas sandalias mías un domingo a la mañana en la iglesia! Ese fue el día que me dijo: "Tengo algo con los zapatos".

    Recuerdo 3:
    Teníamos como 15 y 17 y estábamos por ir a algún lado, y cuando me subí al asiento de acompañante de la camioneta y automáticamente me puse el cinturón de seguridad, me dijo: "Sos la primera persona en Tucumán que se pone el cinturón! Nadie lo usa aquí!"
    Recuerdo 4:

    Una vez cuando íbamos caminando en el centro, él, Tim y yo, aparentemente nos cruzó un chico con unas piernas graciosas, y Benjamín dijo: "That guy has got his calfs upstairs" y automáticamente empezaron a reírse los dos...
    Yo no entendí le vi la gracia ni cuando me la explicaron...

    Recuerdo 5:
    Otra vez cuando salimos a la noche con algunos otros amigos, pasó un chico al lado mío y al mismo tiempo se me cayó un botón de atrás del pantalón.
    Y no sé cómo pero él entendió que el chico se había querido "propasar"... entonces me preguntó y le dije que no, y le pregunté qué hubiera hecho si así hubiera sido... entonces me dijo que lo iba a agarrar a piñas "Timoteo y yo haríamos lo mismo al que se meta con nuestras amigas"

    Recuerdo 6:

    Una vez cuando estábamos en IXTUS le comenté que me había enterado hace poco que los bebés pueden tomar la leche y respirar al mismo tiempo por un detalle anatómico que con la edad cambia y eso hace que no sea posible para nosotros tomar aire y exhalar al mismo tiempo como ellos lo hacen...
    Y él, rompiendo las leyes de la fisiología me dijo que él sí podía... y yo no le creí... entonces me lo probó, tomando y exhalando aire al mismo tiempo por un largo tiempo!!

    Recuerdo 7:

    Un recuerdo reciente fue cuando él ya estaba en Australia y yo estaba tratando de entrar a medicina... en un mail hablando sobre los miedos de rendir el examen me dijo que tuviera confianza... me me iba a ir bien. Y cuando entré me escribió diciendo: "Bien hecho, señorita".

    Como dije al principio... los recuerdos vienen por montones... y este "comentario" se está haciendo muy largo.

    Hace unos días escuché la versión en inglés de "Abre mis ojos, oh Cristo" y la imagen de él cantándola mientras tocaba la batería, con lágrimas de nostalgia vinieron al instante...

  40. There are so many I remembers but I think my favourite would have to be watching grandma Maggie watching 6 of her grandsons enjoy Italy (her favourite country) with Benny always in the lead!

  41. From our reporter in Argentina-

    Patricia remembered playing at Los Cocos with 'little' Ben. Carina and Rosa fondly recalled your family presence at ENCAs. And Jake and Paty recall playing practical jokes on the boys after Ben and Tim put ANTS in their beds - apparently Jake was sick in bed on camp one day, so Paty stole some of their T-shirts and delivered them to Jake, who sewed up the cuffs of the sleeves as she rested in bed!!!! I would love to have seen their faces as they struggled to put them on!!!

  42. Jill Briggs said-

    I remember Ben swimming the Murray from Victoria to New South Wales and back – he was with a number of others – Laura and Bethany I think – he didn’t take off and hope for the others – he talked them through their swim. Some of the chickens sat on the back and watched - we saw someone who cared but assisted others to face their fears and succeed – Ben forming others.

  43. Tucumán 12/12/08

    Me pidieron que dijera algunas cosas sobre Benjamín.

    A lo largo de esta semana se me vinieron muchos recuerdos sobre diferentes cosas. Creo que lo primero que me acuerdo de Ben es que no sabía su nombre, entonces cuando hablaba con mi hermano sobre los canguros que habíamos conocido hace poco, para diferenciarlo de Tim, le decía "el chueco".

    Lo otro que me acuerdo es que siempre estábamos discutiendo, él era un cabeza dura y yo también lo soy... y más de una vez las peleas terminaban en un mail que comenzaba con... "te debo una disculpa por..."

    Hoy me acordé de uno de los recuerdos más "lindos" que tengo con él, que fue cuando fuimos a buscar a un corralón unas bolsas de cemento para IXTUS 1 en la camioneta, y cuando salimos él no vio al inspector de tránsito que estaba en posición "no pasar".

    Así que paramos a los pocos metros, y los próximos 20 minutos fueron interminables, con el inspector diciendo que no respetar su seña era como pasar un semáforo en rojo, que iba a tener que llevarse la camioneta, que él era australiano pero que hace mucho vivía aquí entonces debía conocer las reglas de tránsito, que la multa iba a costar $300 pero que lo podían "arreglar" en $30 o algo así...

    Y a mí me sorprendió la sutileza de Benjamín cuando le dijo: "No le puedo pagar una COIMA. Soy cristiano, no puedo, soy hijo de pastor... y además no tengo nada..." Y dieron vueltas, hasta que llamó a Lindy por celular para explicarle y después de cortar le dijo al inspector: "Se va a tener que llevar la camioneta nomás" Entonces el inspector de tránsito le dijo: "Bueno hijo, tené cuidado la próxima vez... ¿No tenés aunque sea para la gaseosa?" Y él agarró unas moneditas que había en la guantera y dijo: "Creo que aunque sea para la gaseosa le va a alcanzar". Y nos fuimos.

    Parece una situación insignificante, pero algo que me acuerdo sobre él es que era muy loco, muy honesto y muy seguro de lo que pensaba y creía.

    Hay muchas otras cosas que recuerdo... definitivamente no era una persona común y corriente:

    Se tiñó el pelo de azul oscuro, se hizo rastas, se las tiñó y se le ponían verdes con el agua de la pileta.

    Hacía un ruido parecido al que hacen los perros cuando se los patea (y le salía muy parecido)

    Tiraba un hilito de saliva súper lejos con la boca y hacía busbujas con la saliva también.

    Como verán, era alguien muy talentoso y pensar que lo perdemos es muy triste, pero tener fé en que nos vamos a ver de nuevo nos consuela un poco.

    Benjamín: como dijo tu papá en su última prédica... nos vemos en "la mañana".


  44. I remember Ben being up at our farm for a few days. James and I were still at school and Ben would drive into town in Stu's car to pick us up off the bus. One of the days everyone was getting off the bus and BIG bow legged Ben was walking down the street to get James and I. I remember thinking how lucky are we to be seen with such a cool guy as Ben was.

    Also wish that I had the chance to do THEOS with Ben, Tim and Andy. Miss you heeps Ben. Won't forget you.

    Tom Briggs

  45. I remember coming in from a day out at Theos to find Ben and Tim sitting on (and taking up all of) the couch. I was happy to sit on the floor but Ben refused point blank and insisted that I squeeze in between them both for a Mulherin sandwich.

  46. I could always count on Ben for advice. Starting a new Uni course I have found myself saying on many occasion, "What would Ben do?" Starting Uni yesterday was a cold hard reminder that Ben won't be embarking on this new journey with us as planned. However, I feel confident that he is looking down on us, guiding us through, and am grateful for all that I learned from him while we were at Uni together.

  47. Jill said:

    I remember Ben and Tim insisting that sleeping on our carpeted lounge-room floor was comfortable enough and then finding Ben, the next morning, asleep on the foldout couch in the lounge room – Tim was on the carpet I believe.

    I remember Ben when we were in a landslide in Argentina helping Chris back the combo out of the rockslide – I remember him in the “boot” keeping an eye out behind as we reversed through the chaos.

    I remember someone snaking a car around our mailbox corner and of course everyone was innocent. I remember Ben’s enthusiasm for picking the boys up from the school bus – I wonder if it was something to do the with “snaking”

    I remember him (and Stu and Tim) being really polite about our “sayonara delight” night in Coburg even though Ben had cooked a brilliant version the night before – Jill’s just didn’t make the grade.

    I remember that same night the hilarity about the “balls in the jar” – why would anyone take testicles from Rutherglen to Melba and put them in a jar and then add dead mice to the mix?

    I remember numerous nights watching DVD’s on our screen in the lounge room – Ben liked to inform us about good movies – we all loved his and Tim’s suggestion of the island and V for Vendetta.

  48. i remember chocolate covered tiny teddies.

  49. Stu says: I remember Ben making KICK-ARSE chocolate pudding. (“the trick is to double the ‘sauce’ recipe.”)

  50. I remember Ben and Tim making themselves available, when we were in Melbourne, just to catch up. And when they came to Sydney, with friends in 2007, they called me and organized to meet up. I felt really touched by Tim and the energetic Ben willing to spend time with me considering that I was: a woman, 10 years older than Ben, and 7 months pregnant!
    It may sound stupid but I realized that we not only lost someone that we loved, we lost someone that "loved us".

  51. Stu says:

    I remember the way Ben would knock on our front door with one short, sharp, resounding "KNOCK" from the knocker.

    I remember having some friends over for my birthday late last year. It was one of the nights when Ben was home from hospital, and he was naturally invited. During the time when people were arriving there was a solitary loud "KNOCK" from the door. I jumped up from my seat eagerly, convinced that Ben had some how found the energy to come along. I'm sure my disappointment was obvious when I opened the door and it wasn't him. Ben didn't make it to my party that night, but praise God that he did make it to a different one two nights later.

  52. I remember Ben teaching me to how to spit properly.
    This sounds disgusting, and I always thought it was until we were at the beach and had too much of a salty taste in our mouths from the water, so Ben taught me the art of curling my tongue and spitting so it went a long distance (away from our general swimming vicinity) and didn't dribble down my chin.
    I always found it amusing that Ben would do things like spit and openly pick his nose in public (to my horror), but if anyone dared to burp in his presence he would be the first to declare what a bad habit and how unattractive it was!

  53. Roz Hanson says:

    Although we are both extremely sad we are so proud of Ben and you for how he turned out. He certainly was a credit to you and judging from all of the messages about him on his page he will be so missed but held in high regard by everyone who knew him. We particularly loved seeing him mature from a rather noisy mischievous boy to a rather noisy, kind, mischievous young man with a strong faith in God!

    When he was about 18 and in the dreadlock stage-which incidentally went on for quite some time- I seemed to be able to get away with murder by mentioning them from time to time, even suggesting to him that it was about time that he cut them off! Apparently it was a no go area really but I ploughed on regardless where angels feared to tread. On one occasion when he was caught off guard I actually had one of his dreadlocks in my hand ready to cut it off with some scissors. He didn¹t know that I was only pretending though and therefore he reacted very well!

  54. I remember when Matt was little and Ben introducing me to 'PODDY!!!' We would here it from one end of the house to another. Miss you Ben.

  55. I remember Ben telling me how much he loved eating. That if he could he would eat all the time. And I remember he really loved Mary's empanadas.

    Me acuerdo de Benjamín diciéndome cuánto le gustaba comer. Que si pudiera comería todo el tiempo. Y me acuerdo de que le encantaban las empanadas de doña Mary.


  56. Sticking with the food theme - I remember having a noisy, funny dinner at the Commercial Club in Albury with Ben and Tim. A THIRD of the way through the meal (as it turned out) Tom and James (a lot younger than they are now) opened-mouth and then laughing, watched Ben as he undid his jeans at the table so that he could fit in the second mountain of first course AND “making sure I can fit in dessert”. The four Briggs’ talked about the unashamed delight Ben had in filling up often...risotto, four steaks but rarely breakfast unless it was really lunch...mmmmmmmmmmmmm

    I still moan “where are you – have you really gone?”

  57. Iris nos escribió:

    Hoy estuve ecuchando 500 millas y otras canciones de ese grupo, y venían a mi mente tantas mañanas fresquitas, calurosas, bien temprano, un poco tarde, con sol, con lluvia, cuando compartía la oficina con los chicos, y Ben con los pies en el escritorio estudiaba a mis espaldas.

    Recuerdo cuando Mateo iba a preguntarle a Lindy si podía comer una tortilla o algo a media mañana. Los alfajores que Chris tenía escondidos :o) para cuando volvía de correr. Tim siempre tan tranquilo con quien se podía conversar por horas. Pedro leyendo en el sillón en la oficina, siempre libros en inglés jijiji. Y Andrés siempre quejandose de algo :o)

